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Dimensions and Model Name of Fischer Pool Table Serial 12-4-8696

Dimensions and Model Name of Fischer Pool Table Serial 12-4-8696

I am trying to determine physical dimensions and model name for this Fischer pool table.

It has a serial number tag with 12-4-8696 on it.



Dimensions and Model Name of Fischer Pool Table Serial 12-4-8696

Replies & Comments

  1. Dale Brownbilliardsforum on 3/8/2024 6:13:45 AM

    The serial number on Fischer pool tables aren't useful in identification or determining the age of the pool table.

    It's hard to tell which model it is, as the photos don't show the sides or the legs well enough to see the identifying features.

    However, it looks to be an earlier Fischer Empress pool table.

    Physical dimensions would depend on the size (as they came in different sizes).

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Dimensions and Model Name of Fischer Pool Table Serial 12-4-8696

  • Title: Dimensions and Model Name of Fischer Pool Table Serial 12-4-8696
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/2/2024 3:36:27 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/8/2024 6:10:16 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)