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Did Fischer make Snooker Tables at Tipton, MO?

Did Fischer make Snooker Tables at Tipton, MO?

I live near Tipton, MO where the Fischer pool tables were made.

I have an older snooker table with 6 square legs with metal inlays, rosewood rails, oak aprons, and mahogany veneer on legs and sides of table. It also has metal pocket shields.

I believe it is a Fischer Snooker table but cannot find a name plate or any type of ID. How can I be sure?

Did Fischer make Snooker Tables at Tipton, MO?

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Did Fischer make Snooker Tables at Tipton, MO?

  • Title: Did Fischer make Snooker Tables at Tipton, MO?
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/20/2010 2:42:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/22/2017 7:00:41 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)