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Altamonte Billiards Pool Table Model Identification

Altamonte Billiards Pool Table Model Identification

Hello, Billiards Forum

I had a client who is wanting to sell their 9' pool table.

The pool table I am trying to identify is from Altamonte Billiards (which later became Proline Billiard Tables).

I was hoping that when they changed their name they kept the same model. I have seen other pictures of this table, but all of them have a metal bar around the bottom, similar to a Brunswick Prestige pool table, but this one does not.

I am hoping that you may be able to help me out in finding the model name.

Thank you,

Pool Table Professionals



Altamonte Billiards Pool Table Model Identification

Replies & Comments

  1. Pool Table Professionalsbilliardsforum on 8/22/2022 5:54:36 AM

    I don't have any literature from the Altamonte Billiard Factory days prior to their re-branding to ProLine.

    Unfortunately this model isn't pictured anywhere in the ProLine Billiards catalogs in our archives.

  2. Pool Table ProfessionalsPool Table Professionals on 8/25/2022 10:35:46 AM

    Aw that's a bummer.

    Thank you for your help, as always. :)

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Altamonte Billiards Pool Table Model Identification

  • Title: Altamonte Billiards Pool Table Model Identification
  • Author: (Joe and Cheri Koontz)
  • Published: 8/18/2022 5:04:01 PM
  • Last Updated: 8/22/2022 5:52:42 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)