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Age and Value of a BBC Monarch Pool Table Serial #62761

Age and Value of a BBC Monarch Pool Table Serial #62761

I recently purchased a BBC Co. Monarch pool table.

It has the serial #62761 embossed on the slate.

Can you tel me anything about this Monarch Brunswick Balke-Collender pool table, like it's age and value?

Age and Value of a BBC Monarch Pool Table Serial #62761

Replies & Comments

  1. pulletmanbilliardsforum on 5/11/2021 2:04:12 AM

    When it comes to Brunswick Balke-Collender pool tables, the serial number isn't useful for identification or dating Their records were destroyed by fire at some point, and so the records no longer exist.

    The best way to get more information is to upload some clear photos of your specific pool table. The photos should be clear, well lit, and show both the long and short sides, the legs, and any and all trim detail that might be helpful in identifying the exact model and era.

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Age and Value of a BBC Monarch Pool Table Serial #62761

  • Title: Age and Value of a BBC Monarch Pool Table Serial #62761
  • Author: (Brian Chick)
  • Published: 4/25/2021 6:04:16 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/11/2021 1:59:04 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)