To The Moon Masse Trick Shot
To The Moon Masse Trick Shot
Here is a nice shot that requires a short stabbing stroke. The idea is to pop the ball in the air with bottom spin and draw it into a long rail kick. I place the cue ball roughly1-2 balls off the rail and aim for a natural two rail kick. You must jack up the back of your cue 10-20% and hit the shot firm with a lot of bottom spin or you do not stand a chance. If you are getting a curve when the ball lands try lowering the back of your cue or moving the cue ball closer to the rail. If you are making it two lengths of the table but, having trouble hitting the object ball put an extra ball up against it or maybe even the rack. By the way this shot can and sometimes does get you out of a tough spot.

Enjoy, and good luck.
To The Moon Masse Trick Shot
- Title: To The Moon Masse Trick Shot
- Author: Mr. Masse (Jamison Neu)
- Published: 6/1/2008 10:58:00 PM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2008 10:58:00 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Source: User Contributed
To The Moon Masse Trick Shot
The To The Moon Masse Trick Shot article belongs to the Billiard Bank Shot and Kick Shot Techniques category. Pool playing tips for making bank shots and kick shots.
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