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Photos or Info on Pool Cues by Schaaf Mfg. Co

Photos or Info on Pool Cues by Schaaf Mfg. Co

Wondering if anyone has any Schaaf Mfg Co. pool cues?

I am looking for any catalogs, brochures, information, photos, etc.

Here is a Schaaf pool cue I recently came across, and I am looking for more examples and more info if anyone has it.

P.S. I don't own this cue.

  • Joint pin 3/8 x 10 56-1/2 "
  • Length from tip to end of butt cap is 57 1/2" to end of bumper
  • Weight: 21 oz
  • The Logo on the pool cue reads: "Schaaf Mfg. Co. House of Quality Minneapolis, Minn."
  • There is a "21 oz" stamped on the forearm (similar to how Dufferin did it) and a "99" stamped on the back of the butt sleeve, in white (see last photo).






Photos or Info on Pool Cues by Schaaf Mfg. Co

Replies & Comments

  1. billiardsforumChopdoc on 6/28/2018 8:44:02 AM

    Wow, cool.

    I have nothing on them that you won't find in a Google search.

    I want that cue! LOL!

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Photos or Info on Pool Cues by Schaaf Mfg. Co

  • Title: Photos or Info on Pool Cues by Schaaf Mfg. Co
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 6/27/2018 10:22:51 PM