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Best Way to Fly or Ship Pool Cues and Cases?

Best Way to Fly or Ship Pool Cues and Cases?

What is the best way to travel with a pool cue? Should I ship it or bring the pool cue on the plane with me?

I'm afraid they will get stolen.

Any suggestions?

Best Way to Fly or Ship Pool Cues and Cases?

Replies & Comments

  1. KaseyRayMills on 9/6/2021 4:24:18 AM

    I don't know if I'll help much, but a couple years ago I sent my cue through FedEx. Somehow the box was so narrow that it got caught in their conveyor system. It stayed in their center until an employee got around to repackaging it and by then I was back in Dallas.

    If I ever go again I'll put my pool cue in a regular luggage piece diagonally with my clothes, and if TSA rejects it I'll check the bag at the gate.

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Best Way to Fly or Ship Pool Cues and Cases?

  • Title: Best Way to Fly or Ship Pool Cues and Cases?
  • Author: (Kasey Maddox)
  • Published: 8/29/2021 2:20:10 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/13/2021 5:34:48 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)