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Value Vintage Dufferin Snooker Cue Brass Joint, Ebony Butt

Value Vintage Dufferin Snooker Cue Brass Joint, Ebony Butt

What is the value of a vintage Dufferin snooker cue with a brass joint and an ebony butt?

Decades ago I started playing Snooker. It was the first billiard game I learned. Eventually, I purchased a Dufferin Snooker cue. I bought it for the billiard parlor I played almost daily at. The cue was used even then but I liked the feel of it so much I scrounged up the $50 the guy was asking for and I've owned it ever since. I am very meticulous when it comes to maintaining my tools and in essence that cue is a tool.

  • Length = 57"
  • Weight = 18 oz (stamped on butt just that way)
  • Butt Material = Ebony (I think)
  • Shaft & upper section of butt material = Ash, I think but the grain looks more like Oak
  • Joint - Brass w pilot
  • Ferrule = Brass
  • Value 2019 = ?

It's still as true as the day I bought it! The only negative thing I can say about her is that, over time, the dark and more pithy part of the grain has shrunk so that there is a bit of a rough feel to the shaft.

I will try and up load some pics as soon as I take them.

Value Vintage Dufferin Snooker Cue Brass Joint, Ebony Butt

Replies & Comments

  1. TerseMonkeybilliardsforum on 2/12/2019 7:50:41 PM

    Welcome to the Billiards Forum.

    We're going to need photos to be sure we can identify your Dufferin Snooker cue correctly.

    This must be done before anyone can give you a valuation.

  2. TerseMonkeyTerseMonkey on 2/13/2019 1:23:46 PM

    Here are the pictures of the black Dufferin snooker cue. Sorry about poor quality.

    DufferinCueWeightStamp.jpg DufferinCueJoint.jpg

    DufferinCueFerrele&BrassLogo.jpg DufferinCueButtJoint.jpg

  3. TerseMonkeybilliardsforum on 2/14/2019 4:20:36 AM

    Yeah those are tough to look at.

    What does the round metal plate on butt say? Just "Dufferin"?

  4. TerseMonkeyTerseMonkey on 2/14/2019 11:55:49 AM

    Just "Dufferin"

    The insert is brass with the "Dufferin" logo.

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Value Vintage Dufferin Snooker Cue Brass Joint, Ebony Butt

  • Title: Value Vintage Dufferin Snooker Cue Brass Joint, Ebony Butt
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/12/2019 4:31:54 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/12/2019 7:49:38 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)