Value of a Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue
2/10/2023 7:38:58 PM
Value of a Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue
How much do you think my Meucci Originals 84-3 pool cue is worth?
Here are the photos:
Value of a Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue
Replies & Comments
user1564460183 on 2/10/2023 10:16:07 PM
Depending condition of it, I would value it at around $300, if in good shape.
But don't take my word totally. I'd wait for more replies.
user1676075937 on 2/10/2023 10:27:52 PM
Ok, thanks. I hope there are more replies. 😊
billiardsforum on 2/11/2023 11:11:05 AM
Meucci 84-3 cues generally sell for between $150 and $300. It has to be in near-perfect / like-brand-new shape for a $300 value.
Yours has an after-market bumper. Did it originally have a rounded "half-pill-capsule" style bumper, or did it have a newer-style flat bumper? The pill-style bumper ones can bring more (as they're older), but without the actual bumper (which you can't get anymore), it would have no extra value due to that.
See also:
Does it have a brass joint pin? I can't tell from the photo. If it does, let us know. It's a different story in that case.
user1676075937 on 2/11/2023 8:47:14 PM
Here are more pics of the pin and joint and of the inside of the butt.
It looks to me as if there were numbers there in a yellow or gold color, butt it's all gone now. Worn off.
As for the bumper, there used to be a rounded pill-capsule bumper, but when it was given to me, it didn't have a bumper on it at all. I put the current one on it.
Value of a Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue
- Title: Value of a Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue
- Author: user1676075937 (Renee Johnson)
- Published: 2/10/2023 7:38:58 PM
- Last Updated: 2/11/2023 11:03:31 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)