Value of a Meucci HP3 Cue Numbered #27 and Signed by Bob Meucci
8/28/2022 9:27:22 PM
Value of a Meucci HP3 Cue Numbered #27 and Signed by Bob Meucci
I have a Meucci HP3 pool cue with Meucci Red Dot and Black Dot PRO shafts.
It is signed by Bob Meucci and is numbered #27.
I am trying to find out how much it is all worth.
Value of a Meucci HP3 Cue Numbered #27 and Signed by Bob Meucci
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/7/2022 8:14:45 AM
We would have to see clear, well-lit photos of the Meucci HP-3 cue to provide a meaningful answer.
Upload some photos and we'll go from there.
Value of a Meucci HP3 Cue Numbered #27 and Signed by Bob Meucci
- Title: Value of a Meucci HP3 Cue Numbered #27 and Signed by Bob Meucci
- Author: user1661747242 (Matt Ladner)
- Published: 8/28/2022 9:27:22 PM
- Last Updated: 9/7/2022 8:13:45 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)