Value of a Huebler Silver Jubilee Pool Cue
10/4/2022 4:14:42 PM
Value of a Huebler Silver Jubilee Pool Cue
Does anyone know how much a 1998 Huebler "Silver Jubilee" pool cue is worth?
The butt cap says:
1973 - 1998
Value of a Huebler Silver Jubilee Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/26/2022 8:18:37 AM
This is a Huebler SJ-5 cue from the Huebler Silver Jubilee series (Huebler SJ series) for their 25th anniversary.
The original MSRP at that time was $395. They're worth around the same today, if in a like-new condition.
From the Huebler Silver Jubilee cue brochure:
Huebler Silver Jubilee SJ-5 Cue
Four point birdseye maple front stained gray. Black, red and maple veneers with Ebony points. Ebony sleeve with alternate ivory and red vencer diamonds. Silver colored rings and veneer dashes throughout cue.
Retail Price $395
user1674511325 on 1/23/2023 5:02:06 PM
Are you interested in selling this Huebler SJ-5 cue?
My brother has one, and I would love to have the same cue.
nativedogs on 12/2/2023 3:36:31 PM
I have this exact Huebler cue, in mint condition.
Contact me at (719) 477-3777
Value of a Huebler Silver Jubilee Pool Cue
- Title: Value of a Huebler Silver Jubilee Pool Cue
- Author: user1664900081
- Published: 10/4/2022 4:14:42 PM
- Last Updated: 12/2/2022 3:55:23 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)