New-Old-Stock Meucci Originals OL2, LJ2B, and LJ3 Value
2/12/2020 2:54:38 PM
New-Old-Stock Meucci Originals OL2, LJ2B, and LJ3 Value
I just acquired three unused Meucci Originals in almost flawless condition and I'm wondering about the value and how much they are worth.
- NOS Meucci Originals OL-2 cue
- NOS Meucci Originals LJ-2B cue
- NOS Meucci Originals LJ-3 Rose cue with black wrap
The Meucci Originals LJ-2B cue has an unusual blueish-grey stain.
I'm sure, they're extremely rare in unused condition but I don't have a comparison for an unused new-old-stock Meucci Originals cue.
Recently a Meucci LJ-3 cue with white wrap sold for over $700, with two shafts, but was in used condition.
Can anyone provide a retail price from when they were being sold in stores, and help with an estimate on how much they are worth today?
New-Old-Stock Meucci Originals OL2, LJ2B, and LJ3 Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/15/2020 7:06:48 AM
You didn't leave your email address or contact info, and you didn't upload any photos. There isn't much we can do to help you at this point.
They may not be "new-old-stock" but rather, they may have been refinished and not used since. It may be obvious from the photos. But if they are indeed new-old-stock, you'll have no issues finding buyers at a premium price. I could probably point you to several potential buyers. Your best course of action at this point would be to track down and document the provenance of the cues.
- Where or from whom did you purchase them, and what are the specifics of your acquisition of the cues?
- How do you know they are new-old-stock?
- Where did the last owner acquire them?
- If the last owner is or was an authorized Meucci Originals dealer back in the 1970s, try to request some form of proof of that, and contact Meucci Cues to confirm it. Document everything. Get signed letters.
If you happen to see this, leave your email address with us, and also upload clear photos of each of the Meucci Original cues you mentioned.
ripi on 4/13/2020 3:07:39 AM
I just ran across my question by coincidence again. I didn't realize, that I hadn't provided an email-address initially.
I still need info about the Meucci Originals NOS OL-2, LJ-2B and LJ-3 cues.
They came from someone who ran a small billiard hall / tavern in the 1980 and are guaranteed to be NOS, un-chalked Meucci Originals, and never redone.
Here are the photos:
billiardsforum on 4/15/2020 8:45:29 AM
Those are some beautiful Meucci Originals cues. What a fantastic find.
Assuming they are all straight (butt and shaft) then you should be able to get $400 or more for each one. It's very hard to value these because there aren't many transactions for "new old stock" Meucci Originals cues to compare it with.
The way I look at it - to have a used Meucci Originals cue restored, it will cost the buyer $100 to $200 depending on what needs to be done. That coupled with the fact that these don't need to be restored and, according to your original question, are in the original factory condition, I would add a $200 to $300 premium to the average transaction amount for any used versions of these cues.
Again I hate valuing them when I don't have any prior comparable transaction records to go by, but here's a stab at it. Take it for what it's worth:
- Meucci Originals OL-2 - Mint and Un-Chalked, NOS - $700 - $900 USD - It's a very popular design and there are usually a few folks actively looking to buy this model at any given time.
- Meucci Originals LJ-2B - Mint and Un-Chalked, NOS - $600-$700 USD (maybe higher) - These tend to sell in the range of $350-$450 used.
- Meucci Originals LJ-3 - Mint and Un-Chalked, NOS - $900 - $1100 USD - There have been few recent sales of used LJ3 cues on eBay for $700+ (with 2 shafts). Again, this too is a very popular cue among pool players and Meucci Originals collectors alike. Highly sought-after.
Again, these are just rough estimates.
Are they (or will they be) for sale?
ripi on 4/15/2020 9:36:30 AM
Thanks for your response.
I'm not intending to sell them.
I will also receive a Meucci DH-4B as well, same condition. Due to the high dollar exchange back then, they did cost over $1000 a piece.
I used to play quite some pool back then and just started again. I now shoot with a Meucci 84-4. Budget Billiards shows the old ads, but no production dates. Can you date the 84-4, the DH-4B, the LJ-2B and the LJ-3? The LJ-2B has a sticker with the Number 00001686 in the butt, the OL-2 00011667, the others have none.
Thanks for your help and my compliments to your very interesting and informative site.
scootermooney on 11/14/2020 7:20:27 PM
I will pay top dollar for these Meucci Original Loree Jon and Oldies cues.
Scott Maney
(404) 576-4314user1677778746 on 3/2/2023 2:09:24 PM
I'd love to buy the Meucci Originals OL-2 cue from you.
ripi on 3/2/2023 5:12:36 PM
I do still have the Meucci Originals Oldies #2 pool cue. It has never been played with, and the tip is un-chalked. It's located in Switzerland and would cost a shipping fee of approximately $45 USD.
How much are you willing to pay for it and how would you transfer the money?
Thanks for your interest and greetings.
user1677778746 on 3/2/2023 5:23:02 PM
I would be able to pay $500, but I would have to look into an escrow or other service to ensure that both sides are protected.
Does anyone have any ideas for that?
ripi on 3/2/2023 5:49:18 PM
I'm sorry, but your offer isn't close to my expectations, so no need to look into an escrow service.
Greetings, and good luck in your hunt.
New-Old-Stock Meucci Originals OL2, LJ2B, and LJ3 Value
- Title: New-Old-Stock Meucci Originals OL2, LJ2B, and LJ3 Value
- Author: ripi (Marti Stephan)
- Published: 2/12/2020 2:54:38 PM
- Last Updated: 2/15/2020 7:01:01 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)