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Age and Value of a High Kare Cue Model 2017

Age and Value of a High Kare Cue Model 2017

I am looking to find out the value of a High-Kare pool cue.

It is one of two cues that belonged to my father, who would be in his 80s now. He was quite the pool shark.

After his passing I found this cue and a Willie Mosconi Cue and was hoping to get more info regarding it's age and value, and any other information anyone might have on the cue.

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Age and Value of a High Kare Cue Model 2017

Replies & Comments

  1. ccdbilliardsforum on 3/24/2020 4:46:04 AM

    The brand name of this cue is actually "High Skore" not "High Kare". They are a low-end cue imported from Taiwan.

    The cue may have more sentimental value to you than what you would get for it on the open market.

    Their value in the market is very low. High Skore cues sell on eBay all the time, but only for a marginal utility value (think between $5 and $20). You can often find brand-new sets of four High Skore cues for under $40.

    FYI - I split your question into two different questions since you are asking about two distinct and different cues. A link to your other question is embedded above.

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Age and Value of a High Kare Cue Model 2017

  • Title: Age and Value of a High Kare Cue Model 2017
  • Author: (Cari Decoeur)
  • Published: 3/21/2020 11:15:49 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/24/2020 4:31:54 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)