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Value of Adam Pool Cue with Embedded Metal "Adam Custom Cues" Logo

Value of Adam Pool Cue with Embedded Metal "Adam Custom Cues" Logo

I was just wondering if anyone might have an idea of this Adam cue's value?

I have searched the internet and can't find one with the same Adam stamp on it. It has a metallic embedded circle emblem with "Adam Custom Cues"

I can send or add more pictures of the cue if necessary.

Thank you in advance for any information.



Value of Adam Pool Cue with Embedded Metal "Adam Custom Cues" Logo

Replies & Comments

  1. r6chick2001billiardsforum on 5/25/2022 2:30:29 AM

    It is an Adam snooker cue by the looks of things.

    And yes, we will need to see the rest of the cue in order to identify it properly. Once we identify it, we can better value the cue.

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Value of Adam Pool Cue with Embedded Metal "Adam Custom Cues" Logo

  • Title: Value of Adam Pool Cue with Embedded Metal "Adam Custom Cues" Logo
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/14/2022 12:25:17 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/25/2022 2:21:35 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)