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How and When to Replace a Pool Cue Tip?

How and When to Replace a Pool Cue Tip?

I'm a pool enthusiast. I bought a second-hand cue yesterday, for 30 euros.

I think I need to re-do the tip. It's all flat and I believe it should have a dome shape? I've watched some YouTube tutorials and it seems like something I could do, but I want to make sure first that I indeed do need to re-do it :)

Also, I've seen that some tips can be screwed. Is it something I can do on this queue? Can I change the white cheap-looking plastic ferrule for a better-looking metal one?

How and When to Replace a Pool Cue Tip?

Replies & Comments

  1. del00004250billiardsforum on 3/16/2016 12:58:32 PM

    Interesting looking pool cue. Any idea what kind of cue it is?

    Your cue tip is mushrooming a little, so it is well within the criteria I would use to determine whether I should replace a pool cue tip.

    If you have never done it before, I recommend that you find someone local who you know is good at it and pay them. But stay and watch them. Once you see a professional do it once, it becomes exponentially easier to change a pool cue tip yourself.

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How and When to Replace a Pool Cue Tip?

  • Title: How and When to Replace a Pool Cue Tip?
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/16/2016 4:39:40 AM