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Cue Repair Place to Fix a Cracked Huebler Cue

Cue Repair Place to Fix a Cracked Huebler Cue

I'm new here and I need help!

I have a vintage Paul Heubler custom cue dated 1981.

It was snapped in two during a recent 9 ball tournament.

I am searching for an expert repair person or company to help me repair it.

It is a valuable piece of history and I desperately want to save it.

Any advice or referrals would be greatly appreciated.





Cue Repair Place to Fix a Cracked Huebler Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. CapnBobbilliardsforum on 2/25/2022 1:21:07 PM

    Try the folks at Proficient Billiards cue repair service. I would reach out first though to ensure that they'll do this work.

    Also, see this video. The cue seems to be cracked in a very similar spot as yours—near the joint collar at the top of the forearm.

    He cleans up the crack, and repairs it by making a dowel and creating a tenon to accept it.

  2. CapnBobCapnBob on 2/25/2022 2:08:36 PM

    Thanks for the response! I’ll check them out.

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Cue Repair Place to Fix a Cracked Huebler Cue

  • Title: Cue Repair Place to Fix a Cracked Huebler Cue
  • Author: (Bob Cabell)
  • Published: 2/24/2022 8:11:26 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/25/2022 12:55:55 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)