Wilhelmina 3-Cushion Pool Cue ID and Value
10/22/2024 7:45:42 AM
Wilhelmina 3-Cushion Pool Cue ID and Value
Does someone have some information about this wood pool cue?
It was left to me and I would like to sell it, but I can't find any information about it.
I would also like to know what its worth if I would sell it second hand. I would like to know what kind of cue it is and what would be a fair price to ask for it.
Wilhelmina 3-Cushion Pool Cue ID and Value
Replies & Comments
KCCC on 10/23/2024 1:50:59 PM
It looks like either a European or maybe a German 3-cushion pool cue.
It is kind of interesting but not highly collectible.
If you're looking to sell it, toss it up on eBay and see what shakes out. Start the auction at $5 with a $150 buy-it-now (or whatever your target price would be).
But, given how niche this cue is, I would not expect it to go above $100 unless you have a collector out there really looking for these big pin 3-cushion cues.
NicoB on 10/24/2024 1:32:32 PM
Thank you for your reply.
The cue could be Dutch. I'm from the Netherlands and I also want to sell it there. I was thinking of asking a price somewhere between €100 to €120 euros. Would that be a fair price for the cue?
There was also a sticker attached to the cue case which says "Wilhelmina":
KCCC on 10/24/2024 1:53:25 PM
Oh man, that sticker is the key. It is a Dutch-made Wilhelmina 3-Cushion cue.
I found a smattering of mentions and photos of slightly similar cues. Funnily enough, they all had more inlays and fancier engravings then yours.
I bet there is a collector community in the Netherlands for these cues. You just need to find it.
The value will fall somewhere between €75 Euros and €120 Euros, for someone who really wants it.
Good Luck.
NicoB on 10/25/2024 5:43:12 AM
That is very helpful, thank you!
I have some more information about the cue now. I sent an email to the Wilhelmina factory and, according to them it is not a Wilhelmina cue, but a 40 year old "Buffalo" 3-cushion cue.
Just wanted to let you guys know.
KCCC on 10/26/2024 12:34:41 PM
So where were Buffalo cues made?
Are they European or Asian?
NicoB on 10/31/2024 4:24:44 AM
Buffalo pool cues are Dutch.
I've sent them a e-mail too, but they couldn't confirm that the cue is one of theirs.
I decided to put the cue up for sale online and see what I can get for it.
Wilhelmina 3-Cushion Pool Cue ID and Value
- Title: Wilhelmina 3-Cushion Pool Cue ID and Value
- Author: NicoB (Nico B.)
- Published: 10/22/2024 7:45:42 AM
- Last Updated: 1/26/2025 9:13:45 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)