Where to Find Old Mali Cue Brochures or Catalogs?
3/12/2023 1:16:46 AM
Where to Find Old Mali Cue Brochures or Catalogs?
I am trying to find out where I can get the old Mali Cue brochures or catalogs, starting with the very first one (from back in 1961 I think).
I need them to help me identify the older models with the gold Mali logo and the green Mali logo on the butt.
Thank you very much.
Where to Find Old Mali Cue Brochures or Catalogs?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/12/2023 10:31:48 AM
I have most of them including the first one, and most from the 1980s and 1990s, but they're not digitized yet.
I plan on posting them here, much like I've done with our archive of Meucci's BMC cue brand. I am hoping to have this done in the next 6 months, and when it is, I'll let you know here.
jbcueman on 2/7/2024 4:00:00 PM
Thanks, but I want to get a few sticks checked for others so I will have to talk to them.
Where to Find Old Mali Cue Brochures or Catalogs?
- Title: Where to Find Old Mali Cue Brochures or Catalogs?
- Author: jbcueman (Jimmy Barbieri)
- Published: 3/12/2023 1:16:46 AM
- Last Updated: 3/12/2023 10:28:46 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)