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What Years was the Meucci Buddy Hall BH-5 Cue on the Market?

What Years was the Meucci Buddy Hall BH-5 Cue on the Market?

I have a simple question.

I am trying to find out when the Meucci Buddy Hall BH5 pool cue would have been on the market.

Does anyone know?

What Years was the Meucci Buddy Hall BH-5 Cue on the Market?

Replies & Comments

  1. Clyde Daileybilliardsforum on 2/12/2023 9:13:03 AM

    There were several iterations of the BH-5 model.

    • The standard BH-5 cue with the "Buddy Hall by Meucci" stamp
    • The "Rifleman" BH-5 cue version with the "The Rifleman by Meucci"

    Also, certain features like the rubber bumper style and the material used for the joint pin can help date these older Meucci Originals cue models.

    Do you have any clear photos of the cue?

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What Years was the Meucci Buddy Hall BH-5 Cue on the Market?

  • Title: What Years was the Meucci Buddy Hall BH-5 Cue on the Market?
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/2/2023 7:07:56 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/12/2023 9:09:27 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)