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What Model and Series is this Viking Cue From?

What Model and Series is this Viking Cue From?

I need some help identifying the model of this Viking cue, and determining what Viking cue series it is from.

I have looked for hours and I cannot find a cue stick that looks like this one that doesn’t have the "USA" print as part of the Viking logo.

It was my old mans pool cue back when he would go out and play in Vegas when I was little back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He died about 11 years ago and I dang near forgot I had it in my closet. I'm just trying to figure it out and my brain is about shot from looking. Viking's website won't load any selections of the series page of anything older than 2000 for me.

Any help identifying the pool cue would be appreciated.

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What Model and Series is this Viking Cue From?

Replies & Comments

  1. user1639968316billiardsforum on 12/20/2021 4:41:12 AM

    It is a Viking N75 cue from the Viking "N" series, circa 1989-1992.

    It's original retail value, when new, was $75.

    Here is the Viking N75 cue image from the Viking N Series catalog:


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What Model and Series is this Viking Cue From?

  • Title: What Model and Series is this Viking Cue From?
  • Author: (Jimmy Arnold)
  • Published: 12/19/2021 6:58:25 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/20/2021 4:10:49 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)