What Kind of Pool Cue is This? ID Brand or Maker
9/19/2021 6:25:13 PM
What Kind of Pool Cue is This? ID Brand or Maker
What kind of pool cue could this be? I'm wondering what brand it is or who manufactured it.
I found the cue at a thrift store priced pretty cheap. I was wondering if it is a decent brand.
The pool cue is straight as an arrow and in pretty good shape. There are no maker marks anywhere except for a gold decal that shows the cue's weight as "28 oz".
I would really appreciate any information on the cue, and I can't wait to play a game with it. It's actually the first cue I have owned.
If you need a specific angle let me know. I have no idea what to really look for.
What Kind of Pool Cue is This? ID Brand or Maker
What Kind of Pool Cue is This? ID Brand or Maker
- Title: What Kind of Pool Cue is This? ID Brand or Maker
- Author: hammy (Terrance Wareham)
- Published: 9/19/2021 6:25:13 PM
- Last Updated: 10/29/2021 2:41:41 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)