What Brand is This 4-Piece Carved Cue?
10/17/2020 3:23:47 PM
What Brand is This 4-Piece Carved Cue?
Does anyone know what brand this 4-piece carved cue is?
What Brand is This 4-Piece Carved Cue?
Replies & Comments
user1573191310 on 10/17/2020 4:15:35 PM
It looks like a cue I remember being sold at Sears.
billiardsforum on 10/19/2020 4:36:48 AM
It's a cheap import cue with no real value beyond it's novelty value (e.g. under $40).
They're on eBay all of the time as well, usually at prices between $10 and $40.
There are 20+ previous questions asking about cues like this. Search for the word "carved" in this site's search box and you'll find them easily.
What Brand is This 4-Piece Carved Cue?
- Title: What Brand is This 4-Piece Carved Cue?
- Author: user1602973426
- Published: 10/17/2020 3:23:47 PM
- Last Updated: 10/19/2020 4:38:11 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)