Vintage Adam's Pool Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
12/11/2022 7:46:13 AM
Vintage Adam's Pool Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
I have this old wooden Adam's cue and I'm trying to find what model it is, approximately when it was made, and how much it is worth.
If anyone could help it would greatly be appreciated.
Vintage Adam's Pool Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/11/2022 9:31:05 AM
Does this Adam cue have a wooden joint?
I may be able to identify it if we can see a clear photo of the joint pin and shaft insert.
Regardless, it is a very basic pool cue design, and thus, won't be worth much in it's current condition. It is most likely worth somewhere around $50 or less.
Also, I should mention that the brand name is "Adam Cue Co." and not "Adam's Cue Co."
user1670715180 on 12/11/2022 9:06:54 PM
Well I'm just not to familiar with an "Adam Cue", regardless of how its spelled. I was just trying to find some info on it.
I recently had a close family member pass away and the cue was theirs. It was given to me because I shoot pool but my preference and what I shoot with is a McDermott cue.
Vintage Adam's Pool Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
- Title: Vintage Adam's Pool Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
- Author: user1670715180
- Published: 12/11/2022 7:46:13 AM
- Last Updated: 12/11/2022 9:28:27 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)