Viking Cue Id Help with Model Name
1/19/2023 12:56:51 PM
Viking Cue Id Help with Model Name
I could use some help identifying this Viking cue model.
A friend is letting me play with it and I really like it. I want to offer to buy it from him, but I'm not sure what model it is.
I've tried identifying it through the Viking cue archives, but half of the links won't open up for me with pics.
Thanks very much.
Viking Cue Id Help with Model Name
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/4/2023 8:23:45 AM
I couldn't find this model in the Viking cue archives but I've reached out to Viking Cue.
I'll let you know here if and when I hear back.
tkelber on 2/4/2023 4:52:00 PM
Very cool of you, and I appreciate it!
billiardsforum on 2/10/2023 4:17:21 PM
I heard back from Viking Cue.
Your pool cue is a Viking SS0314B cue from their SmartShops line.
The MSRP was $429.
tkelber on 2/10/2023 4:42:46 PM
Can’t thank you enough 👍
Viking Cue Id Help with Model Name
- Title: Viking Cue Id Help with Model Name
- Author: tkelber
- Published: 1/19/2023 12:56:51 PM
- Last Updated: 2/4/2023 8:22:19 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)