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Unknown Cue Maker, not a Rocky Tillis Cue

Unknown Cue Maker, not a Rocky Tillis Cue

I have this pool cue from an unknown cue maker. I thought it was a Rocky Tillis cue but it’s not.

Any ideas as to who the cue maker might be?

I really don’t want to remove the linen wrap. Any help would be greatly appreciated.






Unknown Cue Maker, not a Rocky Tillis Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. Scott Mcbridekwomack3 on 12/28/2018 4:33:44 AM

    Do you still have the Cue?

    Did you find the maker?

  2. Scott McbrideChopdoc on 12/28/2018 12:01:29 PM

    That's not a linen wrap. It is synthetic.

    This is an import cue from China. 100% for sure.

    It borrows some styling cues from McDermott. Most people think they are McDermotts, so I am surprised to hear someone thought it was a Tillis.

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Unknown Cue Maker, not a Rocky Tillis Cue

  • Title: Unknown Cue Maker, not a Rocky Tillis Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/19/2017 12:06:34 PM
  • Last Updated: 10/20/2017 5:11:12 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)