Pool Cue with "CS" Logo and "Buster" on Shaft
4/14/2021 11:29:50 AM
Pool Cue with "CS" Logo and "Buster" on Shaft
I bought this cue from my cousin because I liked the way it breaks. I'm not even sure its supposed to be a break cue.
It has a ram logo that says buster at the base of the shaft and the letters "CS" (or "SC") logo at the base butt (the letter "S" is inside the letter "C".
I have searched online and cant find any info about it, and would like to know who makes/made it so I can look into it more.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pool Cue with "CS" Logo and "Buster" on Shaft
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/16/2021 2:12:52 AM
The letters "SC" in the logo on the butt stand for "Showcase" cues.
It is a Showcase Buster break cue (probably from the early-to-mid 2000s). They called their line of break cue "The Busterâ„¢", and their line of jump cues, "The Jumpsterâ„¢"
I don't know the model of your cue, and I'm not sure they were ever cataloged.
They sold new for somewhere around $100 in the 1980s, and then somewhere between $200 and $300 in their more recent years.
The company is "Showcase Billiards, Inc.", owned by Clay Etheridge (with co-owner Bob Fekete) and they were based out of Westminster Colorado. I think it was founded in 1978.
Apparently Clay learned how to make cues from Bob Meucci (of Meucci Cues).
Clay made the earliest Showcase cues (marked with a block-style letter "S"). Later, he hired Ernie Martinez, a cue repair tech and machinist to make Showcase cues. Ernie's Showcase cues are marked with a letter "S" inside of a diamond at the top of the joint screw. After Ernie went out on his own in the mid-1990s, they were made by Gale Clark (marked with an italicized "S" on the butt cap.
Your cue was either made by Clay's son, Mike Etheridge, probably in the late 1990s, or Bruce Ryan, probably in the early 2000s. Showcase cues made by Etheridge or Ryan have the logo with the small letter "s" inside of a larger letter "C".
The company (as it was back then) closed up shop in the spring of 2009.
WayzoftheDozer on 4/21/2021 11:57:00 AM
Thank you for the information on the pool cue, I really appreciate it.
Pool Cue with "CS" Logo and "Buster" on Shaft
- Title: Pool Cue with "CS" Logo and "Buster" on Shaft
- Author: WayzoftheDozer
- Published: 4/14/2021 11:29:50 AM
- Last Updated: 4/16/2021 1:39:14 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)