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Players Pool Cue with "K1703" Stamped on the End

Players Pool Cue with "K1703" Stamped on the End

I purchased a Players pool cue that has "K1703" stamped on the butt cap.

I am wondering what model it is and it's value?

It's a good cue, I am just wanting some background information on it.

Players Pool Cue with "K1703" Stamped on the End

Replies & Comments

  1. wherryg59billiardsforum on 3/3/2024 11:34:16 AM

    Upload some photos of the Players pool cue, and we'll go from there.

    The "K1703" doesn't seem to reference anything specific.

    I did find one other Player's cue having the same "K1703" stamp on it, but I am doubtful that "K1703" is a model number.

    The model of the other cue I found seems to be a Players C-811 cue, which retails for under $200 USD. There's one selling on Facebook Marketplace (for 6 weeks) for $375, but hasnt (and won't) sell for that.




    Here's the product image for the Players C807 cue:

    Players C-807 Pool Cue


    Players Classic C811 has a brown stained Maple forearm with four white, red and smoke color overlay points. Butt sleeve has matching forearm design. Completing the cue is a black wrap section with white red and smoke ring work above and below wrap.

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Players Pool Cue with "K1703" Stamped on the End

  • Title: Players Pool Cue with "K1703" Stamped on the End
  • Author: (Gary Wherry)
  • Published: 3/1/2024 2:34:28 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/8/2024 5:12:56 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)