Old 3 Piece Cue With No Markings, Possible Palmer?
2/8/2023 4:20:15 PM
Old 3 Piece Cue With No Markings, Possible Palmer?
I got this pool cue from my dad about ten years ago and I've always wanted to know what kind and brand it was.
I was told recently that it was a pre-1970s Palmer cue but I cant find anything on it. There are no markings anywhere on it.
It has a wood joint thread where the weight joint is.
Any help in identifying this pool cue would be appreciated.
Old 3 Piece Cue With No Markings, Possible Palmer?
Old 3 Piece Cue With No Markings, Possible Palmer?
- Title: Old 3 Piece Cue With No Markings, Possible Palmer?
- Author: adam L (Adam L.)
- Published: 2/8/2023 4:20:15 PM
- Last Updated: 2/9/2023 5:55:33 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)