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Meucci Pool Cue With Quotation Marks on Butt

Meucci Pool Cue With Quotation Marks on Butt

Please help me id this cue from


Meucci Pool Cue With Quotation Marks on Butt

Replies & Comments

  1. moretzmandobilliardsforum on 7/9/2018 6:55:43 PM

    You have a Meucci 333-4 pool cue from the Meucci 333 Series of pool cues. They were in the 1993 Meucci catalog, and at that time, the MSRP/retail value was set at $333 for any of the 6 cues in the series.


    I will answer your question about current valuation in your other post, which is now titled Value of Meucci 333-4 Pool Cue.

    From the 1993 Meucci Brochure:

    "333 Series"

    "The greatest value in cues ever produced by any company, anywhere, anytime."

    "$333.00 - take your choice"

  2. moretzmandouser1723770179 on 8/15/2024 9:03:00 PM

    How much is my purple meucci pool cue worth at todays value

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Meucci Pool Cue With Quotation Marks on Butt

  • Title: Meucci Pool Cue With Quotation Marks on Butt
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/8/2018 1:54:52 PM