Meucci Originals Model Identification and Appraisal
7/19/2022 12:56:37 PM
Meucci Originals Model Identification and Appraisal
After 11 years of playing with this Meucci Originals cue, I’m moving out of the country and can’t afford to take it with me. As sad as I am, I am looking at how much I should sell it for. I learned that Meucci Originals can go for quite a lot depending on the model and condition, so I figured I should get some help figuring this out.
I know nothing about vintage pool cues as a topic and certainly nothing about their worth, so any help is appreciated.
Meucci Originals Model Identification and Appraisal
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/23/2022 2:32:59 PM
This is a Meucci Originals MO-1 (Sneaky Pete) model from the first line of Meucci Originals cues.
It's the lowest-end cue from the series, and also one of the most common.
It would be worth between $100 and $200, give or take.
See also:
Meucci Originals Model Identification and Appraisal
- Title: Meucci Originals Model Identification and Appraisal
- Author: btmccowan (Brent Mccowan)
- Published: 7/19/2022 12:56:37 PM
- Last Updated: 8/23/2022 2:27:28 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)