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Mali Cue Model, Series, and Value

Mali Cue Model, Series, and Value

I am trying to identify the following Mali pool cue. I would like to know the Mali model and series, as well as the value of the cue.





Mali Cue Model, Series, and Value

Replies & Comments

  1. user1549077622billiardsforum on 2/4/2019 3:22:48 AM

    Mali cue model M-1 from the Mali M Series.

    I see them on eBay selling for between $100 and $250 depending on the market, location, and condition. There are enough of them around so they don't fetch a ton of money. A Mali M7 from the sale series (a slightly higher-end cue) went unsold on eBay recently at $250. That should give you an idea.

    Also, it's hard to tell from the photos but it looks like the rubber bumper might be missing?

    Nice cue though.

    Mali M-1 Cue

    Select Maple, Brass joint, with Brass-to-Brass threads, Black Nylon Wrap


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Mali Cue Model, Series, and Value

  • Title: Mali Cue Model, Series, and Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/1/2019 7:20:23 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/4/2019 2:56:00 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)