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Mali Cue Identity and Value

Mali Cue Identity and Value

Does anyone know the model and year of this Mali pool cue?

I'm also interested in it's value today.


Mali Cue Identity and Value

Replies & Comments

  1. user1660583572billiardsforum on 8/17/2022 4:57:12 AM

    You have a Mali 386-2 pool cue from the Mali 386 series, circa 1992-1994.

    They can often be found on eBay or other local classified sites for between $70 and $100.

    Mali 386-2 Cue

    A fine cue. Natural Maple butt with Black-with-White Fleck, Irish Linen wrap. Co-ordinated butt and joint design. Wood threaded joint with 3/8 x 10 stainless steel screw. Polished to a mirror finish.


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Mali Cue Identity and Value

  • Title: Mali Cue Identity and Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/15/2022 5:12:53 PM
  • Last Updated: 8/17/2022 4:49:41 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)