Looking for 1990s Joss A-series Catalog Scans
6/24/2020 4:37:58 AM
Looking for 1990s Joss A-series Catalog Scans
I am looking for scans or images of the Joss A-Series catalog / brochure from the 1990s.
If anyone has one, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take clear photos or scans of the pages and post them here.
I think there's about 30 cues in the series (there's at LEAST 28, for sure).
Looking for 1990s Joss A-series Catalog Scans
Looking for 1990s Joss A-series Catalog Scans
- Title: Looking for 1990s Joss A-series Catalog Scans
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 6/24/2020 4:37:58 AM
- Last Updated: 6/24/2020 4:38:44 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum