Is this a Falcon Cue?
4/9/2019 9:21:09 PM
Is this a Falcon Cue?
Does anybody know what kind of cue this is?
My brother said it was a Falcon before he passed. Is this a Falcon cue?
Is this a Falcon Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/10/2019 2:38:39 AM
Yes, it looks like a Falcon cue. Falcon FAL12 cue from around 2000.
Retail through Billiard Warehouse was $329 at the time.
Falcon pool cue with ebony forearm, four floating ebony points with two striking veneers, and inlays in each point. Three sets of buska style rings. The butt is ebony with large ivorine inlays and red inlay.
DonnieP on 7/12/2019 11:49:49 AM
What would this cue be worth today?
billiardsforum on 7/24/2019 3:59:51 AM
Not exactly sure, as I can't find any recent sales to derive a value from.
There are a few posts from 2006 where a guy was trying to get $700 for it, but I am guessing it didn't sell, as the post had repeated "bumps" to the top. No way it is worth that much, in general.
It doesn't have any broad collectible value, so it would be somewhere slightly less than it's original retail value of $329.
Only way you would get a higher value is if there was a collector looking for this specific model, which is fairly unlikely.
It likely has more sentimental value to you than what you would get for it in the market.
Is this a Falcon Cue?
- Title: Is this a Falcon Cue?
- Author: DonnieP (Donald Potack)
- Published: 4/9/2019 9:21:09 PM
- Last Updated: 4/10/2019 2:08:26 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)