Information on a Schon LTD Cue with Dice
2/24/2020 11:14:30 AM
Information on a Schon LTD Cue with Dice
Hi all, I am trying to get more information on this Schon LTD pool cue. It has two dice on the butt sleeve.
Thank you in advance..
Information on a Schon LTD Cue with Dice
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 2/25/2020 2:28:41 AM
Your cue is a Schon LTD 1017 cue.
Forearm is birds-eye maple, and butt sleeve is ebony.
It's MSRP was $1450. One sold a few months ago for around $1400 in like-new condition.
- BrianB on 2/25/2020 7:16:29 AM
Thank you so much for the information on the Schon LTD 1017 cue.
Information on a Schon LTD Cue with Dice
- Title: Information on a Schon LTD Cue with Dice
- Author: BrianB (Brian B.)
- Published: 2/24/2020 11:14:30 AM
- Last Updated: 2/25/2020 2:31:34 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)