Info on a 4 Piece Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
11/30/2023 1:31:40 PM
Info on a 4 Piece Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
Can anyone tell me about this 4-piece pool cue stick?
It has no logo or name.
It comes apart at the main join like any other two-piece pool cue, but also screws apart at the butt cap where you can add or remove the weight washers.
Info on a 4 Piece Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/1/2023 7:41:25 AM
It appears to be an inexpensive import cue.
It has no real value to a serious pool player. It would be worth somewhere between $5 and $20.
Info on a 4 Piece Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
- Title: Info on a 4 Piece Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
- Author: user1701351099
- Published: 11/30/2023 1:31:40 PM
- Last Updated: 12/1/2023 7:37:37 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)