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Identifying a Lucasi Cue

Identifying a Lucasi Cue

I am trying to ID my Lucasi pool cue. It the shaft says "Lucasi Custom" with the letter "U" below it. The cue itself says "108" on the butt cap.

Would this be a Lucasi LZD6 pool cue (zero flexpoint solid core shaft, Uniloc joint, Everest tip)?

Can anyone provide more detail as to model/name, year and price?




Identifying a Lucasi Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. bwbvoltnbilliardsforum on 2/4/2025 11:02:05 AM

    It is a Lucasi LD6 pool cue with a "Lucasi Custom" shaft. The "U" stands for Uniloc, which is the type of joint pin it works with.

    The Lucasi Custom L-D6 cue is the same design as the one you mentioned, just a bit older and with a different shaft.

    The numbers indicate the cue's completion date. It is either the 8th month of 2010 or the 10th month of 2008 (yes, it's a horrible system for obvious reasons). An educated guess based on when they were available for sale would be the former, e.g. August 2010. But either way, it's in the 2008-2010 ball park.


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Identifying a Lucasi Cue

  • Title: Identifying a Lucasi Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/17/2024 7:14:49 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/4/2025 9:57:20 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)