Identify Who Made this 1970s Cue
2/3/2021 11:23:21 AM
Identify Who Made this 1970s Cue
Need help to identify this 1970s cue.
I purchased this cue new in the 1970s for about $125 at a billiards store in Anchorage, AK.
Everything on the cue is original except the cue tip. There are no markings on the cue to show a brand or name. The cue is 58" long and weighs 18 oz. It has four veneered points and a linen wrap.
Also, what might it's value be today?
Identify Who Made this 1970s Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/3/2021 3:57:57 PM
You have a Huebler QB-4 cue from the Huebler "Meucci" line.
Bob Meucci (of Meucci Originals, Meucci Cues, and Bob Meucci Customs) once worked for Huebler, and did his own line under the Huebler brand. This cue is from that line.
It is probably worth a bit more than what you paid for it originally. They're not especially rare.
I have records of two sales of this model in my archives, from eBay. One was for sale at $999 (didn't sell) and the other, $450 (also didn't sell). Both were priced too high.
The ones that typically pull top dollar are in mint condition and still have the sticker on the butt cap, which would have looked like this:
Here's the cue from the original brochure:
2mink on 2/3/2021 4:53:58 PM
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation
Identify Who Made this 1970s Cue
- Title: Identify Who Made this 1970s Cue
- Author: 2mink
- Published: 2/3/2021 11:23:21 AM
- Last Updated: 2/3/2021 3:39:13 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)