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Identify two Viking Cue Models

Identify two Viking Cue Models

I need some help identifying two Viking cue models:



Identify two Viking Cue Models

Replies & Comments

  1. Donald Fleckbilliardsforum on 5/27/2021 3:33:37 AM

    The cue on the left is a popular Viking cue model that's been in a number of different Viking series over the years. It's a Viking Q-18 cue (or similar from a different line). Value and demand are more or less the same regardless of which line it's from. The logo style on your Viking Q18 cue was used on various series between mid-1998 to mid-2002.

    The cue on the right appears to be a Viking Q-35 cue. The logo style on your Viking Q35 cue was used on various series between mid-1992 to mid-1998.

    Here are the catalog photos of those two cues from the Viking Q Series. I know the logo doesn't match exactly on the Viking Q-18 cue, but it's the same model, just from a slightly different time.

    viking-q18-cue.jpg viking-q35-cue.jpg

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Identify two Viking Cue Models

  • Title: Identify two Viking Cue Models
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/14/2021 9:35:37 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/27/2021 3:27:07 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)