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Identify Schon LTD Cue from 1993-1996

Identify Schon LTD Cue from 1993-1996

Can anyone help me identify this 1990s Schon LTD pool cue? It would be from sometime between 1993-1996.

It has "Schon 13" on the shaft collar so I know it is an early Evan Clarke Schon cue, but I cant find anything on it.



Identify Schon LTD Cue from 1993-1996

Replies & Comments

  1. user1713818226billiardsforum on 4/30/2024 5:58:29 AM

    It appears to be a Schon LTD-1114 cue.

    My info on this cue is limited, but here's what I have:

    • Made from ebony and maple
    • Product image of the original version (from the 1990s):


    There was another batch of 12 made in 2006, with extra ringwork.

    • Retail was $1299 USD
    • 12 were made (in the 2006 batch?)

    There was a 2006 version for sale (with a certificate of authenticity from Schon) in January 2023, with two shafts, for $1100.



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Identify Schon LTD Cue from 1993-1996

  • Title: Identify Schon LTD Cue from 1993-1996
  • Author: (Hulon Binkley)
  • Published: 4/22/2024 4:37:07 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/30/2024 5:02:29 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)