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Identify Pool Cue with Sailboat Painted on Forearm

Identify Pool Cue with Sailboat Painted on Forearm

Can anyone please help identify this pool cue? It has a scene of a sailboat painted on the forearm (under the clear coat). The picture is signed by the artist.

20210608_154824.jpg 20210608_154833.jpg



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Identify Pool Cue with Sailboat Painted on Forearm

Replies & Comments

  1. user1623371396billiardsforum on 6/15/2021 3:15:11 AM

    What is the artist's signature? I can't make it out in the photos.

    Can you tell us anything about where you got the cue?

    The more you can tell us the better.

  2. user1623371396user1623371396 on 7/15/2021 5:28:46 AM

    The painting on the pool cue is signed "Margie".

    I got it locally off of someone in the Triad area of North Carolina. The person claims it is a Danny Stout cue (a local cue maker from NC) but I'm not sure that it is. I have my doubts about that.

    Also, I have searched the internet into the depths of the unknown and have not found anything on this cue. I looked up vintage cues or custom cues and found nothing from there.

    I even checked old Walmart, Kmart, and Target cues just to make sure I didn't get duped. But even cues that the big-box stores sell have brand logos on them.

  3. user1623371396user1623371396 on 8/5/2021 5:58:55 AM

    Thanks for anyone who tried to help ID this pool cue.

    It turns out that it is indeed a Danny Stout Custom Cue.

    I found out from a local cue collector that collects Stout cues. He has the matching one to mine. There was one he made for his father that had a painted duck on it and the one posted here for his mother Margie.

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Identify Pool Cue with Sailboat Painted on Forearm

  • Title: Identify Pool Cue with Sailboat Painted on Forearm
  • Author: (Brandon Swaney)
  • Published: 6/10/2021 5:29:56 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/20/2021 7:01:45 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)