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Identify Pool Cue with Letter "J" inside a Star

Identify Pool Cue with Letter "J" inside a Star

I need some help with a cue maker identification.

Does anyone recognize this cue logo or know who may have manufactured it?

It is a pool cue with a letter "J" logo, inside of a circle, which is inside of what looks like a star.


20200406_164648.jpg 20200406_164612.jpg

Identify Pool Cue with Letter "J" inside a Star

Replies & Comments

  1. user1586208548billiardsforum on 4/6/2020 2:32:44 PM

    From the photos alone, it appears to be a low-end, low-quality import cue.

    I don't recognize the "J" logo or the cue in general off the top of my head but I'll continue to keep an eye out.

  2. user1586208548user1586208548 on 4/7/2020 1:56:54 PM

    Thank you for your help with this cue identification.

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Identify Pool Cue with Letter "J" inside a Star

  • Title: Identify Pool Cue with Letter "J" inside a Star
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/6/2020 2:29:09 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/7/2020 9:07:30 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)