Identify Pool Cue, Possible Paradise Cue?
2/8/2022 4:45:38 PM
Identify Pool Cue, Possible Paradise Cue?
I am looking to find some information on this pool cue.
It has a shaft joint, two-tone grip, and a personalization window which matches to that used by Frank Paradise in his cues.
I know he did not put his name on all of his cues. The bumper like the one on this cue was not normally used by Paradise (but I do not know it if is original to this cue).
Thanks for any details provided.
Identify Pool Cue, Possible Paradise Cue?
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 2/10/2022 4:34:12 AM
I do not believe that this is a Frank Paradise pool cue (though I can't really explain why).
One brand that comes to mind is Rich-Q cues from the Rich Cue Corp. Have you looked at them?
Here's a RichQ brochure from 1976. Your cue is very similar to the Rich-Q model 7VG cue.
- dspark1921 on 2/10/2022 1:08:57 PM
Thank for these details.
I also came across the 1979 Rich-q Series Brochure you had posted a while back. My cue seems to also match the Rich-Q model 28-151 "EL CID" pool cue.
Based on the condition of the Rich Q shown in the photos, is there a value estimate you can provide?
- billiardsforum on 2/10/2022 5:06:22 PM
Yeah, that one is from just a few years later, so the design was likely continued into the current year's series.
These Rich-Q cues don't bring a whole lot. I don't have any historic pricing or classified sales prices on record for this Rich-Q model, but now that you know what you have, you can set up some alerts and keep your eyes peeled for sales of similar Rich Cue designs. You can guage the value of your Rich-Q based on that.
- dspark1921 on 2/15/2022 12:25:27 PM
This Rich Q recently sold at auction for $270.
- billiardsforum on 2/15/2022 1:25:10 PM
Wow, good to know.
Recent auction data is a great way to determine the value of a pool cue.
Thanks for sharing the information back with me.
Identify Pool Cue, Possible Paradise Cue?
- Title: Identify Pool Cue, Possible Paradise Cue?
- Author: dspark1921 (David Sparkman)
- Published: 2/8/2022 4:45:38 PM
- Last Updated: 2/10/2022 4:12:03 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)