Identify Pool Cue Made in Japan
7/12/2020 9:57:20 AM
Identify Pool Cue Made in Japan
I have the following 2-piece cue that was made in Japan.
It is 58" in length and weighs 18 ounces.
Does anyone have any idea as to the make and model of this pool cue?
Identify Pool Cue Made in Japan
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 10/5/2020 4:38:15 PM
Can we see a clear close-up photo of the join pin and shaft insert on this pool cue and cue shaft?
Identify Pool Cue Made in Japan
- Title: Identify Pool Cue Made in Japan
- Author: user1594573039
- Published: 7/12/2020 9:57:20 AM
- Last Updated: 10/5/2020 4:31:13 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)