Identify "Players Edge" Pool Cue with Roses
4/10/2022 5:58:04 AM
Identify "Players Edge" Pool Cue with Roses
Can anyone tell me anything about this "Player's Edge" pool cue?
It has a crest logo with letters "PE" and the word "Player's Edge".
It has decals of roses on the butt and forearm.
Identify "Players Edge" Pool Cue with Roses
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 4/13/2022 1:56:50 AM
It is an inexpensive import cue, and would be worth somewhere less than $50.
- Andre Goins on 11/14/2023 9:57:30 PM
I also have a Players Edge pool cue with a crest logo. It has the letters "PE" in the crest, and the words "PLAYERS EDGE" under it.
Identify "Players Edge" Pool Cue with Roses
- Title: Identify "Players Edge" Pool Cue with Roses
- Author: user1649570284
- Published: 4/10/2022 5:58:04 AM
- Last Updated: 4/13/2022 1:49:44 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)