Identify Palmer Pool Cue Model Number
8/7/2017 5:58:10 PM
Identify Palmer Pool Cue Model Number
I have a Palmer pool stick I would like to see what type of stick it is and if it has any value.
I just want to know what model Palmer pool stick this is. And if there is any value to it.
Identify Palmer Pool Cue Model Number
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/9/2017 4:38:24 AM
I can't pinpoint the exact Palmer model number, but this cue was a Palmer import cue made around 1997 in Taiwan. They retailed new on sites like BilliardWarehouse for between $79 and $139 depending on the exact model. These imports were sold as "Palmer America" cues I believe. They hold no collector value today.
The original Palmer Cue company in New Jersey, USA closed up shop in 1994. Makers in Taiwan started to use the name at this time and they were made in a number of different factories at low quality.
The current US importer of Palmer pool cues finally settled on the Kao Kao factory and the quality now is not bad.
I will keep my eye on the catalogs and if I find anything I will let you know.
billiardsforum on 1/10/2018 10:19:17 PM
Found the catalog for this Palmer pool cue. I think the model number is the Palmer BQ-5810 (or BQ-581G, I can't make it out for sure, but I know for sure this is the cue you have).
I posted the full cue's image below. It's the best one I can find.
It is from the "Super Palmer Cue Series'" from the Taiwan Palmer cue company, and this catalog was from the early 2000s.
4F-2, No.497 Jung Jeng Road, HsinTien City
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Identify Palmer Pool Cue Model Number
- Title: Identify Palmer Pool Cue Model Number
- Author: user1502143089 (Chris Lacouture)
- Published: 8/7/2017 5:58:10 PM
- Last Updated: 8/9/2017 4:22:16 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)