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Identify Outlaw Cue with #8 Carved into Butt Sleeve

Identify Outlaw Cue with #8 Carved into Butt Sleeve

Can someone help me identify this outlaw pool cue? It has a #8 in a circle carved into the butt sleeve with a pattern surrounding it. It has a chrome butt cap with the "Outlaw" brand name on it.

It is similar to the one shown in the question Identify this Outlaw Pool Cue Model Number, but not identical. It has a different pattern on the butt sleeve.


Identify Outlaw Cue with #8 Carved into Butt Sleeve

Replies & Comments

  1. user1587808005billiardsforum on 6/4/2020 4:07:13 AM

    It is an Outlaw OL-20 cue circa 2010. MSRP was $155 but common retail was around $125.

    Here it is in the 2010 PoolDawg catalog:


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Identify Outlaw Cue with #8 Carved into Butt Sleeve

  • Title: Identify Outlaw Cue with #8 Carved into Butt Sleeve
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/25/2020 9:46:45 AM
  • Last Updated: 6/4/2020 4:01:25 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)