Identify Model and Value of Adam Cue with "309" on Butt
8/29/2018 11:52:37 AM
Identify Model and Value of Adam Cue with "309" on Butt
Does anyone know the model of this Adam cue and how much it is worth? It has the number 309 on the butt cap.
Identify Model and Value of Adam Cue with "309" on Butt
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/29/2018 2:08:26 PM
Two questions for you:
- Does it have the word "Adam" on the butt-cap near the bumper (e.g. opposite the "309")?
- Is the wood in the forearm the same as the wood in the butt-sleeve? (forearm looks black in the photo, but I realize it could just be the photo).
But for now, I want to say it is a cue from the Adam JAD series of cues (which I could only find being sold through Buffalo Products in the Netherlands and Amsterdam. It was in their 2006 pool cues catalog. Unfortunately there was no pricing and no Adam model number. Just a Buffalo SKU number.
user1695128888 on 9/19/2023 9:08:09 AM
I've just bought this Adam 309 cue. I can't seem to find any details on the cue itself, and I would like to know it's value and the year it was produced.
Identify Model and Value of Adam Cue with "309" on Butt
- Title: Identify Model and Value of Adam Cue with "309" on Butt
- Author: tomisanchez
- Published: 8/29/2018 11:52:37 AM
- Last Updated: 8/29/2018 1:09:29 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)