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Identify McDermott Cue with Logo by Joint

Identify McDermott Cue with Logo by Joint

I am trying to identify this McDermott pool cue with the McDermott logo up by the joint but I can't find anything. Can you help identify this pool cue?



Identify McDermott Cue with Logo by Joint

Replies & Comments

  1. John Shookbilliardsforum on 7/18/2018 2:29:39 AM

    This pool cue is from McDermott's "Lucky" brand of cues. It is an economy brand done by McDermott with lower-end, lower-cost materials. On their Lucky brand pool cues, they put the McDermott logo up at the top of the forearm near the joint to differentiate them.

    From McDermott's Lucky Cues section:


    Lucky cues are designed, engineered and exclusively distributed by McDermott Cue. Lucky cues offer a mix of premium maple cues and intricate graphic overlays. These features give you an exceptional value for one of the most solid hitting globally manufactured cues in the industry.

    This particular model is the Lucky L21 pool cue. It has been discontinued, but when it was sold, it had an MSRP of $72.50 (though it commonly retails online for about $68)

    Lucky Cues L21 Features


    • Hard Rock Maple
    • Grey burl wood overlay
    • Overlay index rings
    • 3/8"-10 joint
    • Textured wrap

    Here is the Lucky L21 cue from the McDermott 2011-2012 catalog:

    lucky-cues-l21-by-mcdermott.jpg mcdermott-lucky-l21-cue.jpg

  2. John ShookJohn Shook on 7/19/2018 10:38:10 AM

    Great info. Thank you very much.

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Identify McDermott Cue with Logo by Joint

  • Title: Identify McDermott Cue with Logo by Joint
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/12/2018 11:21:28 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/18/2018 2:17:22 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)