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Identify Lucasi LTD Pool Cue Model Number

Identify Lucasi LTD Pool Cue Model Number

I am struggling to identify this Lucasi LTD pool cue I recently received.

The strange thing is that this Lucasi cue has only 5 points. All the information I have found is on 6 point cues.

The picture of the Lucasi LTD logo isn't very clear but it says "Lucasi LTD" in script writing.




Identify Lucasi LTD Pool Cue Model Number

Replies & Comments

  1. Joy Troxellbilliardsforum on 12/30/2017 8:18:02 PM

    I've not seen this in any of my Lucasi catalogs.

    You can reach out to Cue and Case Sales, a major North American distributor of Lucasi. They might have more info. I've already sent them a pic via email. Will let you know if I ever get a response.

    As always, if you find out before we do, please let us know what you find.

    I did find a few others with this same "Lucasi LTD" logo on a silver stainless steel butt cap. The first one, I don't know the model number, but the 2nd is a Lucasi LTD LZ2004GB-LTD pool cue.



  2. Joy Troxellbilliardsforum on 12/31/2017 6:11:26 AM

    Here is the reply I received from Cue & Case Sales:

    Yeah, it’s an exclusive model we made for a customer. All LTD’s are his. This was a modification to an existing model at the time. I could find out but I would need my old catalogs

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Identify Lucasi LTD Pool Cue Model Number

  • Title: Identify Lucasi LTD Pool Cue Model Number
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/25/2017 5:00:44 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/30/2017 12:28:15 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)